Department Store

  • Pulsar Time

    Brochures at the point-of-sale provide a complete package to help consumers make the proper watch selection, augmenting the display units, which can be combined to create a customized look in the display case.
    Pulsar Time
  • Linea Collection Voguestrap

    Voguestrap's counter unit is designed to hold up to 432 watchbands at one time and still look elegant.
    Linea Collection Voguestrap
  • Clarins Gel Product Display

    A rear view of gel product's benefits is part of tabletop display in department stores.
    Clarins Gel Product Display
  • Isotoner Gift Center

    Gift centers, like this one, consist of several P-O-P fixtures, and are arranged and plan-o-grammed for individual department stores by Isotoner. Company tries to locate the centers, or "outposts," in high traffic areas but away from the core department.
    Isotoner Gift Center
  • Hush Puppies Marble Boutique

    To gain special display for Hush Puppies brand in shoe stores and department stores. The boutique was created with signage and accessories that work with many combinations, including one that includes a fitting seat and mirror.
    Hush Puppies Marble Boutique
  • Trifari Interactive

    To develop an interactive marketing vehicle for department stores that would: educate Trifari customers on basics of accessorizing; generate in-store excitement and multiple purchases through event promotion, and reinforce media advertising and fixturing.
    Trifari Interactive
  • Outdoor Girl Floor Merchandiser

    To differentiate the product line and its display from the typical, flat-front presentations of similar products in independent, chain drug, and department stores.
    Outdoor Girl Floor Merchandiser
  • Isotoner/Riviera Products Display

    Aris Isotoner and Riviera are alternating their products on a new display in major department stores. Gloves version (left) holds 168 pairs in trays that tilt out, will be used during the fall/winter holiday selling season.